Implementation of the ECTN/SPN in Ghana as from November 1st 2023

The Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning(MOFEP) along with all relevant stakeholders,including shippers,importers,exporters,shipping agents,custom agents,forwarders,using Ghana Ports,are hereby notified that,SML in partnership with IOMLI as technical partner, have been engaged by the Ghana Revenue Authority to roll out an Enhanced Shipping Data Collection and Management program through Smart Port Note and Electronic Cargo Tracking Note System.


From 15th,September,2023,all shipments to Ghana,including transit cargoes,are mandatorily required to have the Electronic Cargo Tracking Number(ECTN/SPN)from the ports of loading for purposes of Customs clearance at entry to Ghana.Any cargo without a valid ECTN will attract fines.Implementation of the ECTN/SPN in Ghana as from November 1st 2023.

加纳CTN/SPN新规自2023年9月15日起试运行,于2023年11月1日起正式执行。届时,所有运往加纳的货物,包括过境货物,都必须提供对应的电子货物跟踪单(GHANA ECTN/SPN),以便在入境加纳时能够顺利的清关提货,任何没有办理加纳CTN/SPN的货物都将被处以罚款。


Please take note of the following:

1.Each Bill of Lading must be covered by one GHANA ECTN/SPN.
2.The GHANA ECTN/SPN must be issued and validated at the port of loading and is mandatory for import clearance to Ghana.

3.Any cargo without a valid GHANA ECTN/SPN will not be cleared through the local Customs until clearance of fines and presentation of a valid GHANA ECTN/SPN is done.
4.Shipping lines must insert the unique GHANA ECTN/SPN number in the Bill of Lading and Cargo Manifest.

5.Cargo without an ECTN/SPN will not be loaded on the vessel;fallure to do so will attract penalty/fines against the shipping line.